Office Tel No. | 81102 |
Research Expertise | International Financial Management、forecasting of exchange rate and change rate、Corporate Governance |
Teaching Field | International Financial Management、forecasting of exchange rate and change rate、Corporate Governance |
Job Title | Professor |
Year | Paper Title |
2023 | Wei-Zhong Shi;Yann-Peng Ching;Robert (Chi-Wing) Fok;Yuanchen Chang, 2023.01, 'Bank Information Monopolies and Hold-Up Effects: International Evidence, ' International Review Of Economics & Finance, Vol.83, No.1, pp.286-311.(SSCI), vol. 440906, Jan. 2023 |
2022 | Wei-Shao Wu;Robert C.W. Fok;Yuanchen Chang*;Chao-Jung Chen, 2022.07, 'Credit Default Swaps and Corporate Performance Smoothing, ' Journal of Corporate Finance, pp.2-79.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 438162, Jul. 2022 |
2019 | Yuanchen Chang;Yi‐Ting Hsieh;Wenchien Liu;Peter Miu*, 2019.03, 'Intra-Industry Bankruptcy Contagion: Evidence from the Pricing of Industry Recovery Rates, ' European Financial Management, pp.1-32.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 422213, Mar. 2019 |
2019 | Yi-Wen Chen*;Konan Chan;Yuanchen Chang, 2019.02, 'Peer Effects on Corporate Cash Holdings, ' International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.61, pp.213-227.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 422231, Feb. 2019 |
2019 | Weishao Wu;Wenchien Liu;Sandy Suardi;Yuanchen Chang*, 2019, 'Tiered Information Disclosure: An Empirical Analysis of the Advance Peek into the Michigan Index of Consumer Sentiment, ' Financial Review, Vol.54, pp.541-582.(*為通訊作者), vol. 419072, 2019 |
2017 | Mei-Ching Chang;Sandy Suardi;Yuanchen Chang*, 2017.09, 'Foreign Exchange Intervention in Asian Countries: What Determine the Odds of Success during the Credit Crisis?, ' International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.51, pp.370-390.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 414796, Sep. 2017 |
2017 | Chien-Lin Lu*;Yuanchen Chang, 2017.03, 'The Effects of Bank Monitoring on Firm’s Cash Holding Policy and Value of Cash, ' Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.25, No.1, pp.83-113.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 408120, Mar. 2017 |
2017 | Chew Lian Chua;Sandy Suardi;Yuanchen Chang*, 2017.02, 'A Re-Examination of Libor Rigging: A Time-Varying Cointegration Perspective, ' Quantitative Finance, Vol.17, No.9, pp.1367-1386.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413087, Feb. 2017 |
2017 | Avik Chakrabarti;Yi-Ting Hsieh;Yuanchen Chang*, 2017.01, 'Cross-Border Mergers and Market Concentration in a Vertically Related Industry: Theory and Evidence, ' The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol.26, No.1, pp.111-130.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413085, Jan. 2017 |
2016 | 魏品揚*;張元晨, 2016.03, 'The Relationship between Equity and Commodity Markets during the Credit Crisis, ' 經濟論文, Vol.44, No.1, pp.93-125.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 407481, Mar. 2016 |
2016 | Hsiao-Mei Lin*;Robert Fok*;Shih-An Yang;Yuanchen Chang*, 2016.01, 'The Wealth Effects of Oil-related Name Changes on Stock Prices: Evidence from the U.S. and Canadian Stock Markets, ' Journal of International Financial Markets,Institutions & Money, Vol.40, pp.26-45.(FLI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 408122, Jan. 2016 |
2015 | 魏品揚*;張元晨, 2015.09, '影響加盟主遞延開放加盟時點及加盟店比例之因素, ' 管理學報, Vol.32, No.3, pp.223-246.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 407480, Sep. 2015 |
2015 | Kam C. Chan*;Chih-Hsiang Chang;Yuanchen Chang, 2015.07, 'The network effects of publishing in finance, ' The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.33, pp.305–316.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408121, Jul. 2015 |
2014 | 吳周燕*;張元晨, 2014.03, 'The Impact of Privatization on Loan Conditions, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.22, No.1, pp.11-53.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 403926, Mar. 2014 |
2013 | Wei-Shao Wu;Hsing-Hua Chang;Sandy Suardi;Yuanchen Chang*, 2013.11, 'The Cascade Effect on Lending Conditions: Evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market, ' Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, forthcoming, Vol.40, No.9-10, pp.1247-1275.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 379499, Nov. 2013 |
2013 | Chien-Liang Chen;Chao-Lin Liu*;張元晨;Hsiangping Tsai, 2013.07, 'Opinion Mining for Relating Subjective Expressions and Annual Earnings in US Financial Statements, ' Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.29, No.4, pp.743-764.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 376569, Jul. 2013 |
2013 | Kam C. Chan;Chih-Hsiang Chang*;Yuanchen Chang, 2013.03, 'Ranking of finance journals: Some Google Scholar citation perspectives, ' Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol.21, No.0, pp.241-250.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 388721, Mar. 2013 |
2012 | Sandy Suardi;Yuanchen Chang*, 2012.10, 'Are Changes in Foreign Exchange Reserves a Good Proxy for Official Intervention?, ' Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol.22, No.4, pp.678-695.(FLI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 364262, Oct. 2012 |
2012 | Chien-Ju Lu;金成隆;Yuanchen Chang, 2012.05, 'Weather Effects on Earnings Response Coefficients: International Evidence, ' Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol.20, No.3, pp.315-333.(SSCI), vol. 364274, May. 2012 |
2012 | Chia-Jung Tu*;Yuanchen Chang, 2012.04, 'Analyst responses to stock-index adjustments: Evidence from MSCI Taiwan Index additions, ' Review of Financial Economics, Vol.21, No.2, pp.82-89.(FLI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 364264, Apr. 2012 |
2012 | Wenchien Liu;Peter Miu;Yuanchen Chang*;Bogie Ozdemir, 2012.01, 'Information asymmetry and bank regulation:Can the spread of debt contracts be explained by recovery rate?, ' Journal of financial intermediation, Vol.21, No.1, pp.123-150.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 346508, Jan. 2012 |
2011 | Hsiangping Tsai*;Yuanchen Chang;Pei-Hsin Hsiao, 2011.03, 'What Drives Foreign Expansion of the Top 100 Multinational Banks? The Role of the Credit Reporting, ' Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.35, No.0, pp.588-605.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 318688, Mar. 2011 |
2010 | 蔡湘萍*;張元晨;賴冠宇, 2010, '所有權、政府監理與銀行多角化績效, ' 財務金融學刊, Vol.17, No.4.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 306408, 2010 |
2009 | 鄭士卿;Robert C.W. Fok;張元晨*, 2009.12, '員工分紅配股對生產效率的影響:以台灣電子產業為例, ' 台大管理論叢, Vol.20, No.1, pp.331-354.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 306409, Dec. 2009 |
2009 | Yuanchen Chang;Kam C. Chan*;Peter P. Lung, 2009.04, 'Informed Trading under Different Market Conditions and Moneyness: Evidence from TXO Options, ' Pacific Basin Finance Journal, Vol.17, No.2, pp.189-208.(*為通訊作者), vol. 238246, Apr. 2009 |
2007 | 張元晨, 2007, '銀行間新台幣兌美元外匯交易流動性與交易成本的分析 : 台北與元太外匯經紀公司比較, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.15, No.2, pp.299-321.(TSSCI), vol. 202946, 2007 |
2006 | Yuanchen Chang*, 2006.12, 'The Accuracy of Reports of Foreign Exchange Intervention by the Bank of Japan: Does Tokyo Know More?, ' Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol.25, pp.1241-1256.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 180942, Dec. 2006 |
2006 | 張元晨;黃柏凱;臧大年;何家政, 2006, '國安基金以期貨維護現貨策略之分析, ' 管理學報, Vol.23, No.1, pp.125-147.(TSSCI), vol. 238271, 2006 |
2006 | Yuanchen Chang;Kam C. Chan;Robert C.W. Fok, 2006, 'Divergent Expectations and Close-end Funds: Evidence from Post-Asian Financial Crisis Period, ' Journal of Emerging Market, Vol.1, pp.5-14., vol. 238268, 2006 |
2005 | Yuanchen CHANG*;MAO-WEI HUNG;CHIULING LU, 2005.12, 'Trade, R&D Spending and Financial Development, ' Applied Financial Economics, Vol.15, No.1, pp.1-11.(*為通訊作者), vol. 180944, Dec. 2005 |
2005 | Yuanchen Chang*, 2005.12, 'Trading Volume, Volatility and Bank of Japan Intervention, ' Applied Financial Economics Letters, Vol.1, No.2, pp.101-105.(*為通訊作者), vol. 180943, Dec. 2005 |
2004 | 張元晨;黃柏凱;臧大年, 2004, '影響股價指數期貨定價誤差因素之研究-以臺股期貨為例影響股價指數期貨定價誤差因素之研究-以臺股期貨為例, ' 證券市場發展季刊, Vol.16, No.2, pp.81-114.(TSSCI), vol. 149965, 2004 |
2004 | 張元晨;Robert C.W Fok;Wen-Tuz Lee, 2004, 'Bank Relationships and Their effects on Firm Performance Around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan, ' Financial Management, forthcoming, Vol.33, No.2, pp.89-113.(SSCI), vol. 149959, 2004 |
2004 | Yuanchen Chang, 2004, 'A Re-examination of Variance-Ratio Test of Random Walks in Foreign Exchange Rates, ' Applied Financial Economics, Vol.14, No.0, pp.671-679., vol. 149955, 2004 |
2003 | Yuanchen Chang;Stephen J. Taylor, 2003, 'Information Arrivals and Intraday Exchange Rate Volatility, ' Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol.13, No.2, pp.85-112., vol. 149953, 2003 |
2002 | Yuanchen Chang, 2002.12, 'The Pricing of Foreign Exchange Risk Around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Stock Market, ' Journal of Multinational Financial Manag, Vol.12, pp.223-238., vol. A11798, Dec. 2002 |
2002 | Yuanchen Chang;Martin, Martens;Stephen J. Yaylor, 2002.07, 'Intraday Volatility Forecasts Using Different Seasonality Adjustment Methods, ' Journal of Financial Research, Vol.2, pp.283-299., vol. A11799, Jul. 2002 |
2002 | Yuanchen Chang;Chung-hua Shen, 2002, 'Modeling the Degree of Currency Misalignment around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan and Korea''s Non-delivery Forward Exchange Markets, ' Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, Vol.2, No.2, pp.39-51., vol. 149948, 2002 |
1998 | Yuanchen Chang;Stephen J. Taylor, 1998.02, 'Intraday effects of foreign exchange intervention by the Bank of Japan, ' Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol.17, pp.191-210.(SSCI), vol. 238285, Feb. 1998 |
1997 | Yuanchen Chang;Goodhart, C.A.E.;Richard Payne, 1997.12, 'Calibrating an Algorithm for Estimating Transactions from FXFX Exchange Rate Quotations, ' Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol.16, No.6, pp.921-930.(SSCI), vol. 238286, Dec. 1997 |
Year | Paper Title |
2008 | Shih-An Yang;Robert (Chi-Wing) Fok;Yuanchen Chang*, 2008.07, 'The Wealth Effects of “Oil” Name Changes on Stock Prices: Evidence from U.S. and Canadian Stock Markets, ' 2008年中國國際金融年會, 中國清華大學, 美國Sloan School of Management, MIT.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2008 |
2004 | 張元晨;Chi-wing Fok;Wentse Lee;Yuanchen Chang, 2004.06, 'Bank Relationship and Firm Performance around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan, ' Bank Relationship and Firm Performance around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan, 2000 Chinese Finance Association Conference., Jun. 2004 |
2004 | 張元晨;Robert C.W Fok;Vivian Jeng, 2004, 'Effects of Employee Stock Bonuses on Productive Efficiency: Evidence from Taiwan''s Electronic Industry, ' AsFA/TFA/FMA, 2004 Conference on July 12-14,2004, x., 2004 |
2004 | 張元晨;Kam C. Chan;Robert C.W.Fok, 2004, 'Divergent Expectations and Close-end Funds: Evidence from Post-Asian Financial Crisis Period, ' AsFA/TFA/FMA and at the /FMA, 2004 Conference, x., 2004 |
2000 | 張元晨, 2000.12, 'A Re-examination of Variance-Ratio Test of Random Walks in Foreign Exchange Rates, ' A Re-examination of Variance-Ratio Test of Random Walks in Foreign Exchange Rates, 9th SFM Conference., Dec. 2000 |
2000 | 張元晨;Chang-An Pan;Chung-hua Shen, 2000.06, 'Forward Exchange Bias around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Foreign Exchange Market, ' Forward Exchange Bias around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Foreign Exchange Market, 2000 Chinese Finance Association Conference., Jun. 2000 |
1999 | 張元晨, 1999.11, 'Optimal Hedge Ratios for Cross-hedging NTD/USD Risk with the JPY/USD Futures, ' 12th Annual Australasian Finance and Banking conference, .., Nov. 1999 |
1999 | 張元晨, 1999.04, 'Foreign Exchange Risk and Industry Characteristics: Evidence from the Taiwanese Stock Market, ' Foreign Exchange Risk and Industry Characteristics: Evidence from the Taiwanese Stock Market, Chinese Finance Association Conference., Apr. 1999 |
Project Category | Year | Project Title | Participator | Job Title | Period | Unit |
MOST Projects | 113 | 借款公司資訊揭露, 銀行相對績效評比與銀行危機對聯貸結構的影響(3/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2026.08 ~ 2027.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 113 | 借款公司資訊揭露, 銀行相對績效評比與銀行危機對聯貸結構的影響(2/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2025.08 ~ 2027.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 114 | 補助國內大專校院購置「LSEG Workspace 財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2025.01 ~ 2025.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 113 | 借款公司資訊揭露, 銀行相對績效評比與銀行危機對聯貸結構的影響(1/30 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2024.08 ~ 2027.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 113 | 補助國內大專校院購置「LSEG Workspace 財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2024.01 ~ 2024.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 110 | 擔保借款與公司融資限制、借款利率和信用違約交換契約間的關連性(3/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2023.08 ~ 2024.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 112 | 補助國內大專院校購置「Eikon with Datastream for Office 財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2023.01 ~ 2023.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 110 | 擔保借款與公司融資限制、借款利率和信用違約交換契約間的關連性(2/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2022.08 ~ 2024.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 111 | 補助國內大專院校購置「Eikon with Datastream for Office 財經資訊 」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2022.01 ~ 2022.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 110 | 擔保借款與公司融資限制、借款利率和信用違約交換契約間的關連性(1/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2021.08 ~ 2024.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 110 | 補助國內大專校院購置「Eikon with Datastream for Office財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2021.01 ~ 2021.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
Other Projects | 109 | 台灣壽險業海外投資上限對其資產配置影響之探討 | CHANG SHIH-CHIEH,CHANG YUAN-CHEN,CHENG TSUNG-CHI,TZENG YU-YING | 2020.11 ~ 2021.10 | ||
MOST Projects | 107 | 企業匯率避險策略和外部評價:營運與財務避險的比較(3/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2020.08 ~ 2021.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 109 | 補助國內大專院校購置「Eikon with Datastream for Office財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2020.01 ~ 2020.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 107 | 企業匯率避險策略和外部評價:營運與財務避險的比較(2/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2019.08 ~ 2021.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
Other Projects | 108 | 匯率風險對我國壽險業經營之短中長期影響 | CHANG SHIH-CHIEH,CHENG TSUNG-CHI,CHANG YUAN-CHEN | 2019.06 ~ 2020.05 | ||
MOST Projects | 108 | 補助國內大專院校購置「 Eikon with Datastream for Office 財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2019.02 ~ 2019.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 107 | 企業匯率避險策略和外部評價:營運與財務避險的比較(1/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2018.08 ~ 2021.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 107 | 補助國內大專院校購置「 Datastream 財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2018.01 ~ 2018.11 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 105 | 影響銀行聯合貸款各項費用及成本的分析(2/2) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN,CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 106 | 補助國內大專院校購置「 Datastream 財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2017.01 ~ 2017.11 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 105 | 影響銀行聯合貸款各項費用及成本的分析(1/2) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 105 | 隨公司營運狀況調整利率條款對聯貸合約及公司監理的影響(延攬) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2016.01 ~ 2016.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 105 | 補助國內大專院校購置「 Datastream 財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2016.01 ~ 2016.11 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 102 | 隨公司營運狀況調整利率條款對聯貸合約及公司監理的影響(3/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 104 | 台澳科學合作協定─雙邊人員互訪 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2015.01 ~ 2015.02 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 104 | 補助國內大專院校購置「 Datastream 財經資訊」資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2015.01 ~ 2015.11 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 102 | 隨公司營運狀況調整利率條款對聯貸合約及公司監理的影響(2/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 102 | 補助國內大專院校購置 Datastream 財經資訊資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2013.10 ~ 2014.08 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 102 | 隨公司營運狀況調整利率條款對聯貸合約及公司監理的影響(1/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 101 | 補助國內大專院校購置 Datastream 財經資訊資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2012.12 ~ 2013.10 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 99 | 次貸風暴期間銀行聯合貸款行為的研究(3/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2012.08 ~ 2013.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 100 | 隨公司營運狀況調整利率條款對聯貸合約及公司監理的影響 | 張元晨 | Principal Investigator | 2011.12 ~ 2015.12 | 政大 |
MOST Projects | 100 | 補助國內大專院校購置 Datastream 財經資訊資料庫專案 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2011.12 ~ 2012.10 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 99 | 次貸風暴期間銀行聯合貸款行為的研究(2/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2011.08 ~ 2012.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 100 | 銀行股權結構改變對其風險承受和借款行為的研究:以東南亞國家為例(2/2) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2011.01 ~ 2011.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 99 | 次貸風暴期間銀行聯合貸款行為的研究(1/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 99 | 99年度台法幽蘭計畫(互訪計畫第一年) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2010.01 ~ 2010.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 96 | 企業改名對股價的影響:台灣、亞洲股市及黃金相關企業的實證研究(3/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2009.08 ~ 2010.10 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 96 | 企業改名對股價的影響:台灣、亞洲股市及黃金相關企業的實證研究(2/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2008.08 ~ 2009.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 96 | 企業改名對股價的影響:台灣、亞洲股市及黃金相關企業的實證研究(1/3) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 95 | 金融商品在不同交易場所價格發現的比較:以台指期貨與現貨及新台幣匯率為例(2/2) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2006.08 ~ 2007.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 94 | 管理一學門財務領域重點研究議題規劃 | TSAI CHENG-HSIEN,CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2005.10 ~ 2006.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 94 | 金融商品在不同交易場所價格發現的比較:以台指期貨與現貨及新台幣匯率為例(1/2) | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2005.08 ~ 2006.12 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 93 | 銀行間新台幣兌美元外匯交易流動性與交易成本的分析:台北與元太外匯經紀公司的比較 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2004.08 ~ 2005.10 | National Science and Technology Council |
MOST Projects | 92 | 以變異數比率分析亞洲匯市隨機漫步的假說 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2003.08 ~ 2004.07 | |
MOST Projects | 91 | 台灣隔夜拆款市場報酬率與波動性的分析 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2002.08 ~ 2003.07 | National Science and Technology Council |
Other Projects | 91 | 期貨商經營新台幣利率交換業務的可行性分析 | CHOW HSING-YI,CHANG YUAN-CHEN | 2002.08 ~ 2003.01 | ||
MOST Projects | 90 | 新加坡台股指數期貨盤後交易訊息外溢效果之研究 | CHANG YUAN-CHEN | Principal Investigator | 2001.08 ~ 2002.07 |
Year | Research Title | Publish Date | Authors |
2003 | 張元晨, 2003.08, '以變異數比率分析亞洲匯市隨機漫步的假說, ' 國科會. | 2003-08-01 | |
2002 | 張元晨, 2002, '台灣隔夜拆款市場報酬率與波動性的分析, ' 國科會. | ||
2001 | 張元晨, 2001.08, '新加坡台股指數期貨盤後交易訊息外溢效果之研究, ' 國科會. | 2001-08-01 | |
2000 | 張元晨, 2000.08, '以日圓外匯期貨交叉規避亞洲貨幣匯率風險之研究, ' 國科會. | 2000-08-01 | |
1999 | 張元晨, 1999.08, '東亞金融風暴的成因、影響及預測─東亞金融風暴對我國產業的影響, ' 國科會. | 1999-08-01 | |
1998 | 張元晨, 1998.08, '台灣證券市場的外匯風險研究, ' 國科會. | 1998-08-01 |
Country | School Name | Department | Degree | Duration |
UNITED KINGDOM | Lancaster University | Finance | 博士 | 1995.06 ~ 1997.06 |
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA | 國立中山大學 | 企業管理(學)系 | 碩士 | 1989.07 ~ 1991.07 |
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA | 國立臺灣大學 | 經濟學系 | 學士 | 1982.07 ~ 1986.07 |
Experience Category | Organization Title | Department | Job Title | Duration |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Finance | 教授 | 2023.02 ~ Up to today |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Finance | 教授 | 2022.02 ~ 2022.08 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Finance | 教授 | 2013.08 ~ 2021.08 |
Part Time | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Finance | 系主任 | 2008.08 ~ 2009.07 |
Part Time | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Finance | 系主任 | 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Finance | 教授 | 2005.08 ~ 2012.08 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Finance | 副教授 | 2002.08 ~ 2005.08 |
Current | NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY | Department of Finance | 助理教授 | 2001.08 ~ 2002.08 |
Honor Category | Year | Award Name | Awarding Unit |
Inside School | 112 | 國科會研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 111 | 國科會研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 110 | 國科會研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 109 | 國科會研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 108 | 國科會研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 107 | 特聘教授 | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 107 | 國科會研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 106 | 資深優良教師(20年) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 106 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 105 | 特聘教授 | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 105 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 104 | 學術研究優良獎 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 104 | 特聘教授 | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 104 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 103 | 學術研究優良獎 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 103 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 102 | 教學優良教師獎(專業課程) | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 102 | 學術研究優良獎 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 102 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 101 | 特聘教授 | 國立政治大學 |
Inside School | 101 | 學術研究優良獎 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 101 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 100 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 99 | 國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 94 | 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 94 | 傑出研究講座 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 93 | 傑出研究講座 | 政治大學 |
Inside School | 89 | 國科會甲種研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 88 | 國科會甲種研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 87 | 國科會甲種研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |
Inside School | 86 | 國科會甲種研究獎勵 | 科技部(國科會) |