Status Appointed
Office Tel No. 88595
Job Title Part-time Distinguished Professor
Research Expertise Corporate Finance、Financial Market
Teaching Field Corporate Finance、Financial Market and Fixed Income Securities
Year Paper Title
2014 屠美亞*;黃耀輝, 2014.12, '不動產特銷稅有效性之實證研究, ' 住宅學報, Vol.23, No.2, pp.1-20.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 407166, Dec. 2014
2012 屠美亞*, 2012.05, 'Stock market development and the decline of the portion of dividend payer throughout the world, ' Financial Review, Vol.47, No.2, pp.219-421.(CSA)(*為通訊作者), vol. 345977, May. 2012
2010 屠美亞*, 2010.09, 'Does the Order between Dividend Payment and New Stock Issuance Matter to Stock Price? - Evidence from Taiwan, '.(*為通訊作者), vol. 325345, Sep. 2010
2010 屠美亞*, 2010.05, 'Prior Payment Status and the Likelihood to Pay Dividends: International Evidence, ' Financial Review, Vol.45, pp.785-803.(Econlt)(*為通訊作者), vol. 308603, May. 2010
2006 屠美亞;蔡湛成, 2006.06, 'Are dividends informative for new stock issuance, ' 財務金融學刊,.(TSSCI), vol. 200248, Jun. 2006
1995 屠美亞, 1995.10, '上市與未上市公司融資組合決定因素之比較--由保留盈餘與已收股本探討, ' 政大學報, No.71, pp.237─252., vol. 131277, Oct. 1995
1993 屠美亞, 1993.10, '財政政策與股市變動以因果關係與VAR模型分析的台灣實證結果, ' 政大學報, No.67, pp.587─598., vol. 131276, Oct. 1993
Year Paper Title
2016 屠美亞*, 2016.05, '新光鋼鐵外匯避險策略, ' 台灣財務學會年會, 台灣財務學會.(*為通訊作者), May. 2016
2012 屠美亞*;李建銘, 2012.07, '購屋者動機對議價空間與利率關係的影響, ' 世界華人不動產學會2012年會研討會論文集, 世界華人不動產學會, pp.590-603.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2012
2004 Twu, Mia;Wu, Chien-Ta, 2004.07, 'Capital market structure and dividend policies, ' Asian FA, TFA, FMA 2004 conference, Asian FA, TFA, FMA., Jul. 2004
2004 Twu, Mia;Hsu, Pei-Chen, 2004.07, 'Ownership, legal protection, and dividends, ' Asian FA, TFA, FMA 2004 conference, Asian FA, TFA, FMA., Jul. 2004
2002 Twu, Mia;Li-Chun Chen, 2002.12, 'Financial flexibility and the operating performance of firms after convertible debt offereing, ' The 11th Conference on the theories and Practices of securities and financial Markets, Sun Yat-Sen University., Dec. 2002
2002 Twu, Mia;Tzu-Tin Chen, 2002.05, 'STockholder ownership structure and debt source preference, ' TFA 2002 conference, Taiwan Financial association., May. 2002
2001 Twu, Mia;Huei-Fang chow, 2001.12, 'Dividends, ownership, and reputation :The expericne of firms in Taiwan before and after financial liberalization, ' the 10th conference on the theories and Practices of securities and financial markets, Sun Yat-SEn University., Dec. 2001
2000 Twu, Mia, 2000.12, 'Financial policy on the business cycle: The case of an emerging market, ' the 9th conference on the theories and Practices of Securities and Financial markets, Sun Yat-Sen University., Dec. 2000
1997 屠美亞, 1997.10, '全民健保財務調整機制, ' 全民健康保險財務問題學術研討會., Oct. 1997
1997 屠美亞, 1997.06, '由資本結構觀點探討我國證券市場資金供需的適合性, ' 中國財務學會., Jun. 1997
1996 屠美亞, 1996.07, '權益性資金租稅優惠適用範圍之研議--由企業特性、融資與投資與相關性探討, ' 中國財務學會1996研討會, 中國財務學會., Jul. 1996
Year Research Title Publish Date Authors
1997 屠美亞, 1997, '由資本研究觀點探討我國證券市場資金供需的適合性, ' 中國財務學會.
屠美亞, '風險性資產與自有資本比例限制對商業銀行資產組合影響之研究, '. 2024-10-01
屠美亞, '預測之總合扭曲--美國物價膨脹為實例, '. 2024-10-01
屠美亞, '產升條例第八條與第十五條之研究, ' 工業局. 2024-10-01
屠美亞, '股票投資低減與融資組合對投資水準的交互影響, ' 國科會. 2024-10-01
屠美亞, '商業銀行風險性資產自有比例有效性之研究, ' 國科會. 2024-10-01
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
UNITED STATES 美國印第安納大學 Business 博士 1985.08 ~ 1990.12
UNITED STATES 美國印第安納大學 商學系 碩士 1984.01 ~ 1985.08
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立政治大學 財政研究所 碩士 1979.09 ~ 1981.06
TAIWAN, REPUBLIC OF CHINA 國立臺灣大學 商學系 學士 1973.09 ~ 1977.06
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 教授 2020.02 ~ 2020.02
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 教授 2018.02 ~ 2019.08
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 系主任 2016.08 ~ 2017.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 系主任 2015.08 ~ 2016.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 系主任 2014.08 ~ 2015.07
Part Time NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 系主任 2013.08 ~ 2014.07
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 教授 2013.01 ~ 2017.08
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 教授 2012.02 ~ 2013.01
Experience 商學院 信義不動產中心 主任 2009.08 ~ Up to today
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Finance 副教授 1991.02 ~ 2012.02