CFA Program Partner Scholarships (only valid for the June 2016 exam)

  • 2015-11-12
  • AdminAdmin
此獎學金僅限報考20166CFA 考試的同學申請,且限本系學士班四年級及碩士班在學學生(學士班同學及CFA學程同學將優先推薦) ,請閱讀以下所列之說明並於12月11日(五)下午五點前檢附相關資料至系辦申請。

Please note that:
1.      The scholarship is only valid for the June 2016 exam.
2.      The scholarship covers the one-time CFA Program enrollment fee (if applicable) and   reduces the exam registration fee (includes access to the curriculum eBook) to US$350.
3.      The scholarship can be awarded for any level of the exam.
4.      The scholarship is only for undergraduate students in final year and graduate students.
5.      The deadline for applying for a scholarship is 11 December 2015. 

6.      Students need to prepare the documents below:
A.        CFA scholarship application form (see the attachment)

B.         Transcripts  歷年成績單正本
C.         English Test Score ( TOEFL, IELTS ,TOEIC etc.) 英文檢定成績單影本 (請附正本備查)  
D.        Why you need this CFA scholarship?  為何需取得CFA獎學金的理由
E.         Studying plan and future career path.  參加CFA考試計畫書及未來生涯規劃
F.        Once awarded the scholarship, what is your feedback towards this program, and what will you do to promote it? 獲得此獎學金後,你將如何回饋系上及CFA Program的合作關係計畫
7.    It's obligated to report your test result to finance department once awarded the scholarship.
8. Our department only award scholarships, therefore our candidates still have to take procedures for CFA enrollment and the follow-up.