獲獎年度 | 獲獎人 | 論文名稱 |
111 | 陳佰弦 | Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and Stock Return Comovements |
110 | 廖振傑 | Three Essays on Behavioral Finance: Evidence from Security Analysts |
105 | 盧建霖 | The Value and Motives of Cash Holdings: Evidence from Natural Experiments |
105 | 劉晉吉 | Product Market Competition, Mergers and Acquisitions, and Acquirer Returns |
105 | 楊曉琳 | Does organization capital affect acquisitions? |
104 | 魏品揚 | Why Disclosure Levels Varied among Syndicated Loan Contracts? |
104 | 陳富德 | 公司併購綜效來源:併購原因的策略性分析 |
103 | 陳苡文 | Earnings Per Share and Capital Structure |
103 | 石維中 | 探究美國公司無負債經營的迷思:財務彈性與銀行往來關係的影響 |
102 | 張美菁 | 亞洲央行干預外匯市場的有效性及對美國存託憑證價差的影響 |
101 | 詹淑惠 | 偵測內線交易者之下單行為-隱匿性交易實證研究 |
101 | 林楚彬 | Market Efficiency and Investor Sentiment: Evidence from the Pricing Dynamics between Futures and Spot Markets |
101 | 許玉美 | 銀行核定公司貸款是否是一項特殊資訊?以美國公司在證券管理委員會的申報樣本及日內交易資料為例 |
100 | 吳偉劭 | The Cascade Efficient in the Syndicated Loan Market |
99 | 劉文謙 | Information Asymmetry, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Defaults of the Debt Contracts |
97 | 杜佳蓉 | Two Essays on Analyst Response to Stocks Index Adjustments |